Saturday 21 July 2012

IP Address Tracing

Internet Protocol Address  is an unique address that computing devices use to identify itself and communicate with other devices in a network. IP address is a unique address two computing devices never have same ip address.Any device connected to the IP network must have an unique IP address within its network. An IP address is analogous to a street address or telephone number in that it is used to uniquely identify a network device to deliver mail message, or call ("view") a website.

Static and Dynamic IP Address

Network infrastructure devices such as servers, routers and firewalls are typically assigned permanent "static" IP addresses. The client machines can also be assigned static IPs by a network administrator, but most often are automatically assigned temporary "dynamic" IP addresses via software that uses the "dynamic host configuration protocol" .Cable and DSL modems typically use dynamic IP with a new IP address assigned to the modem each time it is rebooted.

Getting Your Own ip address..

Most of us know how to get our own ip address...but for those who are new to this field, There are some methods by which we can get our ip address..i am showing here the two simplest ways.

1)By ipconfig command.
2)By Online IP checking Websites.

1)By ipconfig Command: Click On start menu.then click on run after that type "cmd" (without quotes)
                                a command prompt will appear.then type ipconfig in it and press enter.

2)By Online IP checking websites: There are numerous websites that offers online ip checking. you can be able to check your ip address by going through any of these links.

Getting Ip address of a website: Suppose you want to hack a person or a website the most important thing is to get his ip address.

first of all i am showing you that how can we get ip address of a website.

            Click On start menu.then click on run after that type "cmd" (without quotes)
          a command prompt will appear.then type ping in it and press enter.
great the ip address of the website now is in your hands.

now i am going to show somethig interesting to you...just go to  and type any website domain name in the whois lookup textbox. the website name can be any your college website.facebook or anything for which you want to get details.

when you do so it will give you all information related to that domain name...and this information is very much helpful in the field of hacking.
gathering information is the first job of a hacker.untill the moment u will not be aware about each and everyting about a website or about a ip address u can't do anything..the process of gathering information in the field of hacking is known as guys just remember the name of this website we will come on this very soon.

You may also try

Getting Ip address of a online friend: Sometimes we also want to hack our friends or enemy with any of the  reasons. for this we have to need his/her ip we are going to learn how to trace a person
tracing a person is also very much easy.

tracing a person who send you a mail: can trace a person who had send you a mail...just open your mailbox. open the on reply and then click on show the show original column you may find the address of that person.

NOTE: if that person used to send you that mail..then you can't get his/her ip address using this method the reason behind is that gmail uses HTTPS [Hyper Text Transfer Protocal Secured]...thats why tracing is not possible.

But wait there is a way to trace gmail also...Now this trick is for tracing gmail,hotmail,yahoo..and for all mail services.

so now we are going to start the trick....first of all go to

and register there.

now wenever u will need to trace anyone then compose a mail to him and in email section write
and send him the mail.when he will read your mail ,a mail to your read notify will go automatically and by opening ur readnotify account there you can see that person's ip adderess.

actually readnotify sends an automatic generated image with your mail and this hidden image gives u victim's ip address.

now again something interesting is there....after you have traced your victims ip address and want to know his/her geographical location or what operation system he/she is using or information about his browser...and so on....just open

put his/her ip address there and get the details... :)

1 comment:

  1. Fine!!
    Like this one lot of sites provides the ip search service .i use to trace the location of the IP address they also provide ,domain host search ,internet speed test service all at free of cost..
