Tuesday 24 July 2012

Hack the IP address of your friend who is using Internet

The trick is simple. All you have to do is to send an e-mail, encrypted with some image.
Compose a mail (write anything you want in that mail) and follow the steps given below:

Step 1: After creating a mail go to http://www.spying.com/
Step 2: Type the e-mail address through which you are sending the mail, in the box
Step 3: Write down the subject of your mail in the message title
Step 4: Then select your spying tracking image
Step 5: Click to encrypt the image
Step 6: In this process you will have 60 seconds for activation. So copy and paste it before it gets to 0… (Just copy the image and paste it to the body of the e-mail)
How it works:
When your friend opens his/her mail then the http://www.spying.com/ will send a mail of his/her IP and hardware details to you. Check your spam folder also.
Try it out!

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